Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Challenge: Halloween

It is the first week of #hashtagplusblogger challenge, with the theme being Halloween.
I decided to "Halloween" a dress I already owned, with some added props from the local discount shop.

Behold- the Spooky Cat Witch!

My prop couldn't decide whether it was a broom or a wand- I'm voting wand. 

I think that the Spooky Cat Witch likes to bake, and puts her charms into the food to help people. You need a confidence boost before a job interview? Bam, have a confidence +2 brownie. 

Spooky cats!

Dress: Modcloth
Brooch: Erstwilder, via HugMeHarry
Hat and wand: local discount shop
Purple lipstick: cheapie from the chemist
Sandals: Homy peds from Priceline

Sunday, October 22, 2017


The lovely Mel from SugerCoatIt has set up a new outfit challenge, and I think this is a good time to revisit my blog. I haven't been posting for a while, both due to the busyness of life and mental health issues. But engaging with the awesome fatshion community might be just what I need. Expect to see some great new outfits coming your way soon!