Saturday, November 30, 2013

Aussie Curves- Yellow

This week's Aussie Curves challenge is yellow. I had stayed away from yellow before joining Aussie Curves, now I'm so glad I tried it out. Yellow is such a fun cheery colour. I picked up this cardigan at the op shop, and decided to use it for the challenge. The cardigan is too small to button up, but as I tend to wear a lot of cardigans unbuttoned, I got it anyway. The shoulders and arms fit, so we're all good.

The dress is a swing dress from Asos Curve, I wore it unbelted for the "vulnerable side" challenge (here). This is how I usually wear it- belted in.

My earrings are from Coles, the badges from the op shop and Blackbird's Corner.

Now that my son is all better and home from hospital, I'm looking forward to catching up on Aussie Curves challenges. I have black and white ready to go, so you should see it here next week.

Outfit Details
Dress: Asos Curve (24)
Cardigan: Op shop
Belt: Asos Curve
Shoes: Kmart (11)
Cuddlepot & Snugglepie Badge: Op Shop
Budgie badges: Blackbird's Corner


  1. I bought that dress! It's awesome, so comfortable and cool. I foresee that it will be worn a lot this summer. Cute outfit lady!

    1. Thanks lovely! I love how comfortable it is. :-)

  2. Glad that your son is doing better, I've missed your outfit posts!

  3. Gorgeous Bek. Sunny and yellow and awesome. Love it paired with the blue.

  4. Great Post and Nice Article. All of the Pictures are looking So Beautiful and Gorgeous with this Outfit.I Like it.Thanks for sharing.

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